This Christmas we contribute to the growth of next generation of Estonian teachers.
Instead of making X-mas presents to our clients we transfer the gift fund to NGO School for New Teachers (Alustavat Õpetajat Toetav Kool). Namely, it is the smooth integration of first year teachers into schools that helps to bring young, enthusiastic and skillful teachers to schools and prepare them for a life-long career as teachers. At Avaron we have for years given classes at primary schools and high schools on investing and entrepreneurship and have seen how challenging the role of a teacher is nowadays.
If we aim to be a happy and successful community, we need to invest in the next generation of teachers. Today every fourth teacher is over 60 years old in Estonia. Statistics also shows that every fourth young teacher quits teaching before the second school year starts. Thus, supporting young teachers and integrating them well at schools during their first year is crucial – with the aim that young teachers could teach our kids for years to come.
We thank all our investors for your commitment as thanks to you we can support our community. Every year at Christmas we donate money to support foundations that touch our soul. During earlier years we have supported SA Kiusamisvaba Kool (Bullyfree School), Tagasi Kooli (Back to School), Junior Achievement Estonia, Noored Kooli (Young back to School) and Noored Olümpiale (Youth to Olympics).